Tuesday 12 November 2013

'Planning Ideas for Sixth Form Magazine'

'Planning Ideas for Sixth Form Magazine'
Below are the first ideas I have for my Sixth Form Magazine Cover and Contents Page
Front Cover:
  1. Masthead - I wanted a name that was original and catchy, which was actually quite difficult in practice. I recognized that alliteration would be very desirable in the name, so my first thoughts were along the lines of 'The Sixth Sizzler' and 'Sixth Sense'. However, I felt these names had been commonly used before so I toyed with more comedic names such as 'Should've Gone College', but I felt that this too wouldn't work as it wasn't serious enough. I have finally settled on 'Section Sixth' as it's quite original and uses alliteration and makes the magazine clearly directed to sixth formers.
                   - Regarding font- I wanted the name to be very clear and easy to read, so I definitely wanted a sans serif font. The massive variety and choice baffled me at first, but I whittled it down to these three: 

    FONT 1
    FONT 2
    FONT 3
    I really liked the jaded feel Font 1 gives, making the magazine appear to be a longstanding publication. The writing it also thick enough to be seen but not so that it's overpowering.

    For Font 2 I liked how the thinner writing gave the magazine a more modernistic feel, however the writing might be too thin to be seen easily and to be recognizable.

    Fonte 3 is very bold which would make the title stand out and I also like how the first letters are capitals, giving an impression of sophistication. However, I feel the font is too bland and simple to be used.

    I finally decided to use Font 1 as I felt it had more character and individuality, while also being easy to read and giving the magazine an identity.

    2. Colour Schemes - I wanted a cool, sleek, modern colour scheme that would appeal to a young, quite sophisticated buyer. I created this colour scheme with the black and white creating a sharp contrast along with a modern look. The blue brings a bit of life to the cover and makes it look a lot less boring and more fun. 

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