Wednesday 30 October 2013

Research Into Sixth Form Magazines

Research Into Sixth Form Magazines

I am currently researching Sixth Form magazines so that I can produce a great magazine cover and contents page for my preliminary task. 

This is the front cover of a school magazine, originally found at:

I have annotated the key features below which I plan on using in my own magazine cover

To give my study more depth, I then analysed another magazine cover:
I preferred this minimalist style to the first cover, and is something I would like to replicate in future work. 
I then continued to analyse the contents page of the same magazine issue, where I was a tad disappointed:

I felt that such a large editor's note looked unprofessional, I also didn't think much of the colour scheme- which could have easily been a continuation of  the dark blue and bright white, rather than using a stoic black and white.

I then created a word cloud with key words for a magazine cover:

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