Tuesday 4 February 2014

Changes To Original Plans

It is worth noting that I made the decision to change the main band name from 'The Rebels' to 'Uprising', as I found this both made me cringe less and portrayed the rising nature of the band as well as their rebellious ways.

Furthermore, the difference between my original flat plans and finished pieces of work is startling, with my ideas change and adapting hugely over the drafting process. The most notable changes are as follows:

Cover -
Changing the key image to a solo model to represent a three man band, meaning the page wasn't too busy.
I kept the idea of the sticker but changed the text and positioning so that it was less lost on the page.
I added more cover lines for less 'white space' to maintain a reader's interest.
I streamlined the menu strip for a more clear cut look.

Contents Pages -
This was the piece with the most change and the one that consequently took the most time, with my final piece being extremely different. However, I kept much of the content the same with the 'What's hot' circular section and the idea of the main band 'The Rebels' (to become Uprising) spreading over the two pages. I also kept some stylistic ideas the same, such as the page numbers in the corners and the 'resonate' at the top of each piece to add brand identity.

Feature Article -
I kept the sidebar down the far right hand side the same, as I liked the extra dimension the technique brought to the page.
I moved the key image to below its original position and inserted the film strip across the page.
I therefore moved the pull quote to the top of the page to maintain balance and make the page even.

I also changed many of the fonts, such as the body text as this simply was not clear enough on a small scale, and I also changed the masthead font as when this was on the actual page I much preferred my final choice.

Monday 3 February 2014

Selecting Fonts

After all my research into music magazines, I have learnt the following about fonts:

Planning original images

Name of photo
(which page?)
Shot size
Costume and props needed
Pose, facial expression, body language, positioning within the frame
Intended connotations
Front cover key image
Grey background
High-key, clear
Medium close up of main model in portrait
White t-shirt,

Staring at camera, intense
Rocky, slightly upbeat connotations 
Contents no.1 – Flame (match?)
Black background

Connotations of heat and what’s cool
Contents no.2 – shot of ‘Rebels’
Same colour background to be easily removed
High key – prevent shadow
Portrait, slightly low angle

Happy, relaxed. ‘Brothers in arms’ kind of feel, togetherness
Recurring theme of them shows their importance
Contents no.3 – ‘Kyle Walker’
Light background – yellow tint?
Slightly darker, moody, some shadow
Guitar, leather jacket
Head of guitar in focus with rest of image slightly out, though still about to clearly see face.
Moody, interesting, traditional retro rock. Also that the music is the main focus with guitar.
Contents no.4 – ‘Jay Hawks’
Easily editable background to lift image off of
Good, no shadow on face or guitar
Model looking at guitar with it in a slightly raised position, as if playing a solo.
A guitar soloist of similar age to target market (about 20)
Contents no.5- ukulele

Grey background? Not hugely important
Focus on main body of instrument, then fades as moves up
Fun, interesting
Contents no.6 – shadow
Background is shadow on wall
Behind model to create shadow
Guitar, jacket with collar
Holding guitar at waist
Dark, mysterious, contrasting, music, light/dark

Contents no.7 – Guitar neck shot
Black background, white foreground
High on guitar, neutral  on model
Guitar and denim jacket
Guitar held by neck, balanced on the floor
Metal, music, perception

Contents no.8 – Female vocal
Dark background. Neutral on face
Half in shadow other half in light
Microphone, dark clothing
Holding microphone to approx collar bone height with distant look
Female musician, vocals, punk
Contents no.9 – Group shot
Bright background, colourful foreground
Lighting on faces

Group shot, arms interlinked
Friendship, band, group, fame
Contents no.10 - Eyes
No background
Bright on face

Wide shocked blue eyes to match colour theme of page
Focus, sight, blue
Feature Article no.1
Easily editable background
Main model lifted up in a crowd-surfing pose
Very rocky
Feature Article no. 2 – Crowd shot
Dark background
Some shadows, but band members clear
Three members of band on elevated position, with crowd below looking up
That the band is fun to see live, close with the fans
Feature Article no. 3
Complete darkness
No light except lighter, which illuminates model’s hand and face lightly
Model holding lighter up to about nose height, staring straight at the flame.
Perhaps that the band are a little dangerous, and that they’re definitely the ‘hottest’ new thing.
Feature Article no. 4
Face well lit, no shadows

Modal holding arm out in front of himself in a rock gesture
Clearly illustrates the band’s rock genre
Feature Article no. 5
Light background, possibly white
Try to restrict shadows, though the odd one isn’t a big deal.

Very similar to Contents no.3 with main model’s arm raised in a rocky gesture
Continuous theme of friendship within the band